A 23-year-old Douglas man has admitted assaulting a man at the Outback.

Adam Lee Hine hit the man on the back of the head after speaking to him earlier in the evening.

Hine, who lives at Derby Square, was subject to a probation order at the time of the offence. He pleaded guilty to common assault and will be sentenced on January 4 next year after a probation report has been completed.

Prosecuting advocate James Robinson told the court how Hine and the victim had known each other for around five years when they bumped into each other at the Outback on August 22.

The victim said that Hine told him that he wanted to have a fight with someone, so he told Hine to go home and said that he was welcome to talk to him anytime.

He then encountered Hine again in the smoking area later where he was said to be shouting aggressively.

The man again told Hine to go home but later, while he was on the dancefloor, Hine approached him again and hit him in the back of the head with a fist.

Hine left but was later arrested after police spoke to him in relation to another matter.

When interviewed he gave ’no comment’ responses to all questions.

The court heard that Hine was sentenced to a 12-month probation order and 80 hours’ community service on November 4, 2020, after breaking a window at his ex-girlfriend’s home.

He also has a previous conviction for common assault in October 2019.

Defence advocate Matthew Wilshaw asked for a probation report to be prepared before sentencing.

High Bailiff Jayne Hughes adjourned the case and granted bail in the sum of £500 with conditions that Hine reside at his home address, and co-operate with probation for the preparation of the report.