Three men have appeared in court after police seized the single largest amount of class A controlled drugs in the Isle of Man Constabulary’s history. 

Justin Fayle, of Lheannagh Park, Douglas, Michael Ball of Old Thornmill Lane, Liverpool and David Alsop of Ballacottier Meadow, Douglas all appeared in court this morning in connection with the bust.

Alsop pleaded guilty to possession of heroin with the intent to unlawfully supply and possession of cocaine with intent to unlawfully supply. 

The court heard Alsop was searched on October 22 outside the Spar store near Castle Mona and was found to have a large quantity of class A drugs on him.  

Fayle and Ball did not enter pleas during today's short hearing.

All three have been remanded in custody.

The case is now set to go to the Court of General Gaol Delivery at a later date.