University College Isle of Man (UCM) has announced its lineup for this year’s research festival.
The fifth annual event, which takes place on Friday, October 13, will be themed around the three strands of the Island Plan, with a focus on sustainability.
The event will be opened by Chief Minister Alfred Cannan, followed by a keynote address by climate research scientist and Nobel peace prize winner Dr Douglas Fox.
Attendees will then select from three pathways, which includes presentations of research projects and findings from local organisations, as well as further international speakers.
The three pathways - ‘sustainable’, ‘vibrant’ and ‘secure’ - feature a range of talks and presentations on various themes such as ‘Manx blue carbon’, ‘awesome Manx women’ and ‘becoming an effective leader of a remote team’.
Gail Corrin, UCM’s higher education manager who organises the event, said: ‘What an incredible line up we’ve got again at this year’s festival.
‘It is extraordinary the range of research that’s being undertaken on or about our island. Research is incredibly important, not just in educational settings.
‘Curious and informed minds will be the source of a sustainable and thriving future. We’re at an exciting and challenging point in the development of society, so it’s interesting to see how research plays its part in turning these things into opportunities for us and for businesses.’
The event is free to attend and will be held at UCM’s Nunnery campus. To register for the event, please visit