A Manx musician has been boosted by sponsorship to help her studies to become a music therapist.

Douglas-based coaching company Auxesia, under the banner of its recently created brand Altitude, has struck a sponsorship deal with Heather Daykin.

Heather is a well-known figure in musical and performing arts circles on the island, having worked in both primary and secondary schools teaching music, as well as leading workshops at Kensington Arts Centre and Singing for Wellbeing sessions.

She is an accomplished musician herself, working with local musical theatre companies and performing as a flautist and singer.

Most recently, she was the flautist for ‘Evita’ at the Gaiety Theatre.

Heather is studying for a Masters Degree in Music Therapy at the University of South Wales.

Once qualified, Heather will be a registered healthcare professional delivering the benefits of music therapy to the island.

A well-established role within therapeutic services across the world, music therapy has been proven to reduce anxiety and stress levels, improve the rate of healing, and even reduce symptoms of schizophrenia, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

Much of Heather’s study for the course can be done on the island, meaning that she is able to continue to provide her music teaching services. However, there is the requirement to travel to Newport, South Wales regularly and the sponsorship is designed to cover the cost of that travel during of the course.

Heather hopes that, once she has completed her studies, she can make a really difference with her new role on the island.

She said: ‘I am hugely grateful for the support of Auxesia which will allow me to complete my training in this vital clinical, psychological area which has the potential to make a considerable therapeutic impact within our island community. ‘

Helen believes music can be a vital tool in helping people improve their creativity and also help with the daily challenges life throws at his.

She said: ‘Music is a uniquely universal medium through which we can express aspects of ourselves creatively, allowing a myriad of challenges to be tackled as a result.’

Founder and managing director of Auxesia Stuart Colligon, says he is delighted to be supporting Heather and believes sport and arts are vital in teaching life skills.

He said: ‘We have always been keen to support things that either celebrate the island’s excellence, or that will contribute towards future successes. Sport and Performing Arts have been our focus, as we believe that they engender in children many essential skills for adult life.

‘Given we have a track record of healthcare businesses in the Auxesia group, I am especially pleased to find a sponsorship that crosses over both performing arts and medical care.’

Established in 2011, Auxesia, and its sub-brand, Altitude, is one of the Island’s leading executive coaching and leadership development experts, working with both corporate and individual clients.