An island band whose original aim 13 years ago was to make more electronic music is set to release their first album.

Dusty Plankton will release Whale Noises for the Electronically Blind on Friday, October 13 and an album launch party will take place the following evening (Saturday, October 14) at The Rover’s Return, in Douglas.

The album was recorded, mixed and mastered over the last year at Ballagroove recording studio by Gyp Buggane.

One of the band’s original members, Christian Clague, told Island Life: ‘It feels both strange and amazing that we have the album ready as some of the tracks on there were from when we started 13 years ago.

‘The album is a mixed genre affair with its electronic undercurrent always present with slices of rock riffs and motifs as a sonic garnish.’

Dusty was formed in 2010 by Christian, Alan Stacey and Tony Mac.

‘Our aim was to bring more electronic-based music to the table as not many bands were doing so at the time, so we just chipped away quietly in the background,’ he said.

In the last five years, they gained a full band with Nell Kneale on guitar and Jonny Peacock on drums and Martyn Cain - now Seb Fosdal - on bass.

They have headlined at both the Dark Horse Festival and the Great Manx Shindig.

And they have appeared at most of the island’s bars over the years. They hope to schedule UK gigs for next year too.

Whale Noises for the Electronically Blind will be available on Spotify, Bandcamp and other digital platforms from October 13.

The launch party takes place at The Rover’s Return on October 14 from 8pm.

It will feature DJs Gyp Buggane and Ninjafingers as support.