Island non-profit organisation PlasticBusters is to help organise a ‘3-A-Day in May’ Challenge.

The group is dedicated to reducing plastic pollution and this month-long initiative aims to raise awareness and encourage participants to pick up three pieces of plastic every day throughout May.

A PlasticBusters spokesperson said: ‘Plastic pollution is a critical issue facing our planet, with millions of tons of plastic waste entering the oceans each year.

‘The “3-A-Day in May” Challenge seeks to engage the public in a simple yet impactful activity that contributes to a cleaner environment.

‘PlasticBusters’ collective effort could remove millions pieces of plastic in only one month.’

Founder of PlasticBusters Jaime Amoedo added: ‘We believe that even small, consistent actions can lead to significant change.

‘The “3-A-Day in May” Challenge empowers individuals to take charge and make a tangible difference in the fight against plastic pollution.

‘Together, we can create a cleaner, greener future for our planet.’

To participate in the challenge, individuals can sign up by clicking the link provided in PlasticBusters’ social media posts or by sending an email to [email protected] with their name and a simple message stating ‘I am in’.

Participants are encouraged to share photos of their collected plastic using the hashtag #plasticbusters on social media platforms.

As a token of appreciation, PlasticBusters will plant a tree for every participant, and at the end of the challenge, individuals will receive a personalized certificate to commemorate their eco-warrior efforts.

The charity’s spokesperson said: ‘PlasticBusters believes that collective action can create a significant impact on reducing plastic pollution, and the “3-A-Day in May” Challenge is a crucial step toward a cleaner, greener planet.’

For more information about PlasticBusters and the ‘3-A-Day in May’ Challenge, please visit or email Jaime Amoedo at [email protected].