Manx Care’s family planning service has relocated temporarily.

It has moved from the Central Community Health Centre in Westmoreland Road, Douglas, to the Genito-Urinary Medicine (GUM) unit at Noble’s Hospital for three months.

The services have been integrated, alongside other sexual health services, for the past year.

This means that all contraception clinics booked through sexual health will move to Noble’s Hospital during this time.

GUM appointments will continue to take place at Noble’s.

These appointments should remain unchanged.

Patients will receive a text message and follow-up courtesy phone call to ensure that they know to go to the right location for their face-to-face appointment.

A Manx Care spokesman said: ‘This temporary move is necessary to ensure adequate staffing of the service, increase resilience as well as to provide opportunities for shared learning for colleagues.

‘We appreciate this may be an unfamiliar environment for patients, however our team is on hand to make patients feel welcome, safe and supported during their appointment, and to answer any queries or concerns they may have.

‘We will be displaying posters in relevant locations to ensure as many people as possible are aware of the change.’

You can continue to contact the reception team for all sexual health matters using phone numbers 642186, 642126 and 650710.

Patients and colleagues across Manx Care will be informed as soon as possible regarding the location of appointments from mid-November onwards.

Anyone who has further questions about this change can contact the Manx Care Advice and Liaison Service Team via email [email protected] or on the phone (+44 1624 642642).