A businessman who grabbed a male paramedic’s crotch has been fined £1,500.

Lee Darbyshire also made an obscene gesture to a female paramedic and asked her to perform a sex act on him.

The 47 year old was being treated after he had been found lying in his neighbour’s garden after drinking at his own home.

He admitted provoking behaviour and common assault and was fined £750 for each offence.

We previously reported that paramedics were called to Greeba Avenue in Glen Vine, where the defendant lives, on November 5, at 11.43pm.

Darbyshire was found lying on his neighbour’s driveway.

However, as he was being assessed, he grabbed a male paramedic's crotch.

Police were called to assist and Darbyshire was described as smelling of alcohol and very drunk.

He was initially taken to accident and emergency, but was then discharged and arrested.

During an interview at police headquarters, he said he couldn’t remember the incident and admitted he was extremely intoxicated.

Darbyshire said he was very regretful and that it had been totally out of character, but he had been under a great deal of stress at the time.

The prosecution had previously said that the defendant could have been charged with an indecent assault, but it had been decided that his actions were not meant to be intentionally indecent.

A probation report said that Darbyshire was a self-employed businessman who employed numerous people in the island. He told probation that he had been drinking at his home with friends from around 7pm and had consumed six to eight cans of cider.

Darbyshire said that he could not recall how he had ended up in the garden.

He said that his friends had said that he had been involved in an argument and had left the house, but not taken his phone with him.

Neighbours had then found him lying in their garden and had called an ambulance.

Defence advocate David Clegg said that his client had written letters of apology to both paramedics and would be happy to pay compensation.

Mr Clegg said that Darbyshire had also suggested making a donation to the charity of the paramedics’ choice.

‘No-one is more ashamed of his behaviour than himself,’ said the advocate.

‘He didn’t contest what the paramedics said and asked to apologise.

‘This is a gentleman who is deeply and genuinely remorseful.’

‘Your worships can be reassured, he is not going to come before you again.’ added the advocate.

‘This was a wake up call.’

Chair of the magistrates David Christian told the defendant: ‘Quite clearly alcohol was the root cause of this.

‘The language you used and suggestions you made were completely unacceptable.

‘Paramedics must be able to go about their daily job without this sort of behaviour.’

Darbyshire was also ordered to pay £125 prosecution costs and agreed to pay all amounts within seven days.