The Communications and Utilities Regulatory Authority has launched a first stage competition assessment of island’s retail mobile communications markets.

The last review was conducted in 2019.

CURA said the purpose of the assessment is to ‘gather evidence on whether there is likely to be sufficient competition within the Isle of Man’s mobile markets, which is resulting in consumers being effectively served’.

It added: ‘This should be considered the first step in a more comprehensive review of the competitive dynamics in the Isle of Man telecoms markets, in line with best practice and the authority’s statutory obligations.

‘The competition assessment is only a first stage assessment which is being conducted as part of the authority’s over-arching requirement to ensure that competition is promoted within telecommunications markets.

‘While the authority will be led by the data that is gathered during the process, should the competition assessment uncover evidence which suggests that there is cause for concern with regards to the competitive nature of the mobile markets and/or consumers interests, it would then commence a market review and devise appropriate remedies in order to encourage effective competition in those markets.’

In essence, CURA is saying its just checking the market is working to promote competition.

During the 2019 review no operator was designated with significant market power and the market was not found to be susceptible to ex-ante regulation. CURA added: ‘However, the 2019 finding does not preclude an alternative finding as part of any future market review.’