A 12-year-old boy from Michael Primary School has completed a sponsored walk to raise money for charit y.

Isaac Perry completed 100 laps - approximately 12 miles - around his school field and raised £601.25 for The Children’s Centre through sponsors.

Other pupils from the school were invited to take part in the walk too, who completed 20 laps alongside him.

The Children’s Centre provides support to children, teens and their families living in the island and covers a wide range of issues such as bullying, poverty and addiction.

Isaac has been a service user at the charity, and raised money as ‘a thank you for all the support he has received’.

Joff Whitten, the chief executive of The Children’s Centre, said: ‘We are so proud of the amazing walk Isaac organised and completed on our behalf.

‘We are so grateful to everyone who took part, raised money or supported the event.

‘Knowing his journey we are very happy for Isaac and what he has achieved.

‘We work with around 130 children each and every week. We are entirely reliant on donations and fundraising to cover the costs of our vital services.

‘The organisation costs nearly £1m a year to run so every penny donated is incredibly valuable to us.

‘We hope we spend every penny wisely to ensure the best outcomes for the children, teens and families we support.’

Sue Perry, Isaac’s mum, said: ‘This has really helped him (Isaac)and has given me my happy boy back.’