A team of Samaritans’ volunteers will be based at the heart of Bushy’s TT Village in the Villa Marina Gardens for the majority of the festival.

Sinead Nudd Samaritans Isle of Man’s outreach deputy said: ‘We are honoured to be once again part of the iconic Bushy’s TT village.

‘We are extremely grateful to Key Bar Events for asking us to be present for a second year.

‘Our purpose is to raise awareness of the emotional support that Samaritans can provide.’

The charity has been operating in the Isle of Man for 45 years this year and continues to provide ongoing support to anyone in emotional distress or who is struggling to cope.

‘As everyone in the island is aware, sad and tragic events can unfortunately be a part of motorsport,’ added Sinead.

‘We would like to take this opportunity to remind people that there is no shame in speaking out about your thoughts and feelings regardless of what you are going through.’

The team will be available between 8pm and 11pm each night from Thursday, May 30 to Saturday, June 8.

If you would like to find out about volunteering with Samaritans, email [email protected] or visit the Samaritans website for more information.