As you had kindly published a recent letter of mine on the subject of the airport car park, I would like to widen the comment to the subject of parking charges in general at major public sites in the island, excluding that for periodic events such as TT.

In general, no one should be charged to park in their employer’s car park unless absolutely necessary.

At both the airport and sea terminal, free public disc parking for one hour should be provided, alongside secure, longer-term parking supported by cash, card and app-based payment facilities.

At Noble’s Hospital, the current overflow car park (as well as several other, smaller areas around the site) could be restricted to employees.

In order to deter people who have no valid reason to be at the hospital from using the main car park, an entry ticket would have to be stamped/validated by hospital staff on production of the appropriate proof (such as an appointment letter) for free parking. Visitors might have to pay a small charge.

Likewise, at the NSC, free parking should be available only to people who have paid to use the facilities, in addition to staff.

Naturally all this requires the installation and maintenance of barriers, signs, marking and payment facilities at these sites.

Running costs should be covered by generated revenue, although there would be an appreciable initial outlay for setting up.

Robert Ryding


The letter was first published in the Manx Independent on May 4.

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