So Dr Rosalind Ranson’s information about a never-before-experienced unprecedented killer virus was ‘toned down’ before being presented to the Council of Ministers (Courier, August 4), but ‘almost all’ of it was included in the final presentation.

Why did relaying the clinical concerns of our former head medic cause a ‘challenge’ for Department of Home Affairs officials when it was a simple case of forwarding Dr Ranson’s recommendations in their entirety? Do any of them possess higher medical qualifications than she does?

Even ‘too much detail’ can be bullet-pointed or summarised without losing the vital points. Was her impassioned medically justified plea too boring for them to present in full?

The information ‘not included simply to give a clear focus’ appears to be or include the closures of schools, bars, and restaurants, which is accepted as not in the presentation to ministers.

Again, did they know more than Dr Ranson as to the risks and transmission of Covid-19?

I think not, as my granddaughter contracted Covid from her school and passed it on to the rest of her family.

After all, where there are humans, both adults and children, contagious diseases take no prisoners.

So the missing information from ‘almost all’ of it could very well have been the most important.

Name and address supplied

This letter was first published in the Manx Independent of August 10.

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