A 38-year-old man who stole phone charging cables and damaged a police cell has been fined £700.

Michael James Keane admitted theft and property damage, and was also ordered to pay £125 prosecution costs.

Prosecuting advocate Roger Kane told the court that Keane had initially been arrested in relation to other matters, when police found the charging cables.

CCTV footage from Dealz in Strand Street, showed him putting the cables, valued at £3, in his pocket and leaving without paying.

While in custody, he was said to have become aggressive and threw toilet paper, which appeared to be covered in faeces, at a camera in a cell.

He was then put in a second cell but flooded the toilet.

Defence advocate David Reynolds asked for credit to be given for his client’s guilty pleas and said that the stolen items were low value.

Mr Reynolds said that Keane had only been living in the island for a number of months, so he had not been able to work or claim benefits.

He said that he had stolen the charger cables as he had been unable to charge his phone to contact his five children in Liverpool.

Mr Reynolds said that Keane had dipped paper in the toilet before throwing it at the camera and he had not deliberately put faeces on it.

The advocate said that his client was detoxing from drugs at the time, having previously been taking cocaine and ketamine regularly, and that he may have to serve days in default of any fine.

Deputy High Bailiff Rachael Braidwood fined the defendant, whose address was given as Prince’s Avenue in Douglas, £200 for theft and £500 for property damage.

He was ordered to pay all amounts forthwith or serve 80 days in prison in default.