Charity Motiv8 has been awarded funding from the Manx Lottery Trust which will support the launch of a new programme dedicated to helping families affected by addiction.

The grant of £50,000 from the Trust’s Dormant Assets Fund will assist with the implementation of the M-PACT programme, which is a licensed programme currently being delivered across the UK and Ireland.

The M-PACT programme, which can only be delivered by trained experts, is an evidence-based family approach which aims to educate family members on dependency to alcohol, drugs, gambling or gaming and its impact on the wider family circle. 

The M-PACT programme’s success rate was proven in an independent report in 2019, which concluded that the framework resulted in better communication, better understanding of each other’s positions in the family, and how family members can offer better support to one another.

The Douglas-based charity will use the grant to fund staffing, travel, office costs, management and supervisions, the M-PACT license, M-PACT practitioner training and trainer costs.

Motiv8 fundraiser Nicola Browne said: ‘Our family service has developed significantly since its inception, and without it, there would be no provision in the island for this type of support. By working across entire families, our work will help to break the cycle, give families the support that they need, when they need it.

‘By introducing the programme, not only are we providing support to families in need, but we are helping the wider community.

‘We’d like to say a huge thank you to the Trust for the vital support, which is significantly enhancing the services we offer.’

Stephen Turner, Manx Lottery Trust chairman, added: ‘It’s clear to see the M-PACT programme offers service users a great deal of support, which is why we are pleased to help Motiv8 with funding to launch the programme locally.’

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