Two primary school children have spent their half term raising money for Code Club.

Scott Reid, a nine-year-old, and his friend Douglas, who is eight, have been running a raffle at Coffee Corner, a cafe on Finch Road.

Code Club is a charitable organisation in the island that aims to provide a focal point for people of all ages to develop digital skills, share knowledge and teach individuals how to leverage the technology around them.

It was when one of Scott’s teachers at Willaston School ran a lunchtime club that Scott was introduced to the world of coding.

His teacher gave him a flyer for Code Club, so since January this year Scott has been attending sessions every Saturday and has really enjoyed it.

He said: ‘I really enjoy going on the computers.’

This is where he met Douglas, who has helped out with the raffle.

In Code Club, Scott and Douglas learnt to make games. For example, they coded a game with ghosts, which would appear in random places, where they could change how often the ghost comes.

This isn’t the first time that Scott has raised money for charity. Last summer he held a raffle to raise funds for Ukraine, raising over £300.

Scott said: ‘I came up with the idea one night. It started when I said I want to raise money, and then my mum suggested Ukraine.’

Following the success of his last raffle, he decided to raise money for Code Club as he has really liked the sessions he has attended.

He set up a table in his mum’s cafe and has been selling raffle tickets.

The raffle prizes included snacks, and £5 vouchers for coffee corner.

Over the week they raised £313 for Code Club, and they are hoping to raise money for the British Legion next.