Proposals for a new housing estate on the outskirts of Ramsey have been unanimously approved by the planning committee.
Hartford Homes’ plans to build 153 homes at Vollan Fields (23/00744/B) were approved with no fewer than 37 conditions.
Objectors had raised concerns that the site was unsuitable for development as it posed an unacceptable risk of flooding.
But the agent for Hartford told the planning committee that the development would reduce rainwater run-off by some 89%.
Plans has also been amended to include installation of French drains to take away run-off from the gardens of the properties.
Planning committee member Peter Whiteway expressed surprise that the application included seeking approval in principle for a potential primary school on an area of land to the east of the site.
He said: ‘I’m not convinced it will ever happen. They are reportedly talking about closing out of town schools.’
Mr Whiteway suggested the school had been included for the purpose of garnering consent for the housing.
Rob Callister MHK agreed: ‘I don’t quite understand the need for the school. Even if there was a need, a primary would not be the first choice.’
Hartford’s application had been recommended for approval.

The proposed housing development comprises a mixture of small and medium-sized properties, including bungalows and a total of 39 affordable two and three-bedroom homes.
It includes some 15,734 square metres of public open space including natural play areas for younger children and a sports pitch.
Ramsey Town Commissioners have voted to enter into a legal agreement with the developer for the town hall to take over ownership of the public open spaces.
Amended plans were submitted in February following consultations with residents in neighbouring properties.
These include minor changes to the road layout, retention and replacement of hedgerows and the submission of a noise impact assessment.
The Vollan Fields site is located 1.5km from the centre of Ramsey and will be accessed via a through road linking Andreas Road to Bride Road.
Hartford Homes’ application also includes plans to enhance the wildlife habitat of an area to the east of its nearby Royal Park development.