The Isle of Man Constabulary has warned the Manx public about cold-callers in the West Douglas area.

Releasing a statement online, the police has explained that the calls might be related to the offering of 'odd jobs' at people's homes.

The police statement reads: 'We have had reports of persons 'cold calling' for odd jobs in the West Douglas area.

'Please be aware that you can have a leaflet or information/price list posted through your door but nobody is allowed to personally solicit work by knocking on your door or talking to you at your address.

'The onus for making contact with any workers is always with the home owner, not the other way around.

'On some occasions it has been known that more vulnerable residents or home owners are targeted. Please keep vigilant on any neighbours you may feel are susceptible to these approaches.

'Should you have contact with anything stated above please contact the office of fair trading on 686500, or the police should the circumstances require it.'

Although the post originates from the Douglas area, the information relates to the whole island.