MHKs return once more to consider the critical clauses stage of the controversial Assisted Dying Bill in the House of Keys tomorrow (Tuesday July 9).

Tomorrow’s sitting comes after MHKs narrowly voted last week to reject Chief Minister Alfred Cannan’s proposal for a referendum on the issue.

If approved, his motion would have delayed any legislation coming into effect.

The Assisted Dying Bill, introduced by Dr Alex Allinson, MHK for Ramsey and a GP, proposes that the option of assisted dying should be available as a choice for terminally ill, mentally competent residents, subject to strict safeguards.

Earlier on in tomorrow’s question time in the Keys, Douglas Central MHK Chirs Thomas will ask member for Treasury Dr Michelle Haywood (Rushen) what increase in expenditure the Assisted Dying Bill involves and what consent for this has Treasury given.

Consideration of the Bill over the last few months has seen majority backing for key clauses, and constructive amendments.

In the first session, MHKs voted by a large margin for assisted dying to be available to terminally ill patients who have been given a prognosis of 12 months or less left to live and to restrict it those who been resident of the Isle of Man for a minimum of five years.

During the third session MHKs voted in favour of limiting assisted dying to self-administration, removing the possibility of a doctor directly ending the life of their patient.

On June 25 MHKs also rejected 14 to nine an amendment to postpone the debate until after the summer recess in November.

After the Clauses stage the Bill is expected to receive a third reading in the House of Keys in the coming months.

It will then progress to the Legislative Council for further debate and scrutiny. The Bill could receive Royal Assent as soon as next year, followed by consideration of how the legislation will be implemented, with assisted dying potentially available to terminally ill Manx residents from 2027.

Among other questions tabled for tomorrow’s Keys sitting, Arbory, Castletown and Malew MHK Jason Moorhouse will ask Education Minister Daphne Caine what has led to an increase in ambulance call-outs to school premises between 2018 and 2024.

Douglas North MHK John Wannenburgh will ask Infrastructure Minister Tim Crookall when the structure and surface of the TT access road was last reviewed and what plans there are to address any potholes and sunken manhole covers.

Douglas South MHK Sarah Maltby will ask whether government departments have carried out feasibility studies into providing a changing place facility at Noble’s Hospital and the Sea Terminal - and if so, what were the findings and next steps.

A changing place facility is a type of fully-accessible toilet specifically designed for people with disabilities.