A popular Isle of Man glen could soon reopen to the public.

Glen Maye was closed in November last year after a storm and landslips caused damage to its paths and bridges.

But Patrick Commissioners said the Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture has told the board it’s spent a lot of money on remedial works and it could reopen for public access in September.

One of the main talking points from the recent local authority’s meeting came from a resident who asked the commissioners when the glen will be open to the public.

Chair Gordon Clague said DEFA has told him it could be open in September.

Remedial work to the paths and bridges were scheduled for earlier this year.

Mr Clague also said the department has spent a lot of money on the glen.

Also on the agenda was hedge cutting for the Parish Walk.

Commissioner Henry Bridson said the clerk usually organises the schedule for this and the route is prioritised during this time, but felt it was being left a bit late as the walk is next Saturday.

The clerk confirmed she will look into getting someone to cut the hedges around the parish.

An issue was raised by a member of the public about litter and general anti-social behaviour at the Glen Rushen picnic and campsite.

She said most campers who use the site are fine, but she’s noticed an increase in rubbish being left as well damage to the benches.

As well as finding glass bottles smashed in the field, she said she’s seen items left in the river bank.

The commissioners agreed to look into it and her request for signs.

Patrick Commissioners will next meet on Monday, July 8.