A 44-year-old biker has appeared in court denying a rape allegation.

Robert John Woolsey has also pleaded not guilty to two counts of indecent assault.

The rape allegation can only be heard at the Court of General Gaol Delivery, and he will be committed to that court on May 25 where all three matters will be heard as the case proceeds towards a trial.

The court heard that the charges involve an alleged incident in a portable toilet at Walpole Avenue in Douglas, on May 26.

Mr Woolsey was visiting the island at the time, competing in the Pre-TT Classic Races.

Defence advocate Jim Travers, representing Mr Woolsey, made an application for a bail, with the defendant’s sister, who had travelled to the island, offering to put up a surety bond of £30,000 to secure his release on bail.

Mr Travers asked for his client to be bailed to his home address at Aghory Road in Portadown, County Armagh, Northern Ireland, but said that, if that was not acceptable, he also had a bail address in the Isle of Man, which a friend had offered to him.

The defence advocate said that Mr Woolsey wished to clear his name, so he had every interest in concluding the proceedings, and that a trial at the Court of General Gaol Delivery would be a lengthy process which could be up to 12 months away.

Prosecuting advocate Barry Swain opposed bail, saying that he was concerned that Mr Woolsey may fail to surrender as he lived off-island.

High Bailiff Jayne Hughes refused to grant bail, saying that she was also concerned that the defendant could fail to surrender to the court, and remanded him in custody.

Mr Woolsey, who is the joint owner of a concrete manufacturer, can appeal the decision not to grant bail.

He is due to appear in the summary court again on June 13.