The self-proclaimed King of Mann, American businessman Drew Howe (also known as David), has abdicated the throne with all the pomp and ceremony the situation deserves.

In an email to iomtoday that is unlikely to lead to a constitutional crisis, he said: ’After careful consideration, I’ve decided to abdicate any rights, responsibilities and/or privileges that my claim to the historical kingship of the Isle of Man affords me. It’s been an interesting last 10 years and I appreciate all the friends and supporters that came alongside us.’

He said the family hoped to visit the island again as ’just regular common folk soaking in the island’s beauty and the warmth of its awesome people’.

Mr Howe, who raced in the Tin Bath Championships during a visit in 2015 while filming the Suddenly Royal reality TV series for an American station, crowned himself the ’undisputed’ king in 2007 after a notice in the London Gazette went unchallenged.