Sixteen- and 18-year-olds will soon learn how well they did in exams

There are a number of results days throughout the summer period, depending on the exam board, type and level of qualification taken. Some results are available to students via secure logins prior to the main results days.

The main results days are:

A-level, BTEC Level 3 and other level 3 qualifications: August 17

IGCSE, GCSE and other Level 1 & 2 Qualifications: August 24

How do students collect their results?

Students are expected to collect their grades in person at their respective school or the college's Homefield Road campus, and have been advised when to attend.

Students have been encouraged to make arrangements in advance if they cannot attend in person.

What support is available?

Schools and the college will have staff available to offer guidance and support to school or college leavers thinking about their next steps after receiving results.

Details of additional help for education leavers is available on the Department of Education, Sport and Culture’s Signposts website.