A man and woman have admitted being involved in importing nearly a kilo of cannabis to the island.

Finlay MacGregor, aged 21, and Aalish Marilyn Kissack, aged 18, pleaded guilty to the joint charge and will be committed to the Court of General Gaol Delivery on January 4.

MacGregor, who lives at Shore Road in Laxey, also admitted possessing criminal property, namely £13,371 in cash, and possession of cannabis.

The offences were committed in February 2023.

Prosecuting advocate Barry Swain told the court that the amount of cannabis involved was 912.6 grams, valued by police at £18,252.

The prosecutor submitted that the case was too serious for summary court sentencing and should be committed to the higher court.

Advocate David Clegg, representing MacGregor, said that a basis of plea would be submitted for his client, regarding the breakdown of transactions, but agreed that the case should go to the Court of General Gaol Delivery.

Kissack, who lives at Empress Drive in Douglas, was represented by advocate Laurence Vaughan-Williams, who also said that he would not contest committal to the higher court.

Both advocates asked for a probation report to be prepared before sentencing.

Magistrates declined summary court jurisdiction and agreed that committal proceedings would be necessary.

Bail continues for both parties.