Reading! Who doesn't love to read? Don't say you don't read. I've seen you reading WhatsApp messages, Facebook DMs, work emails, Penguin bar jokes, road signs, AND Patricia from the office on a daily basis.

So, when you're ready to give your disintegrating brain some TLC from all the doom scrolling, check out Gef's top reads for International Women's Day. 

Bad Feminist, Roxane Gay  

It's a gift and a curse reading Roxane Gay; the way she words things is savagely raw, beautiful, often laced with dry humour, and so powerful one of her sentences can make you feel like you've been punched in the face with a sack of flour. She is easily one of the best writers I've read. My writing pales to an episode of Hollyoaks that didn't make it off the cutting room floor in comparison.  

‘Bad Feminist’ is a collection of essays exploring the ‘complexities of modern-day feminism’. Each is only 3-5 pages long, so it’s very digestible. In them, Gay examines the contradictions within feminism today and offers insight into the ‘challenges of being a feminist in a flawed world.’  

More Than A Woman, Caitlin Moran 

One of the warmest and funniest feminist writers I've read. Caitlin Moran's earlier book, ‘How To Be A Woman’ was my first awakening to feminist writing and I've never looked back. 

‘More Than a Woman’ is a guide to growing older. Often society depicts that after 35 a woman loses any and all importance, relevance, or attractiveness. You hit 36 and turn into Augrha from the Dark Crystal. The book is a call to action for change in attitudes, and a celebration of middle-aged women who do everything often without praise or even acknowledgement. 

After I read ‘How To Be A Woman’ years ago, I tweeted at Caitlin Moran saying I'd read it and am now a strident feminist, and she actually replied saying ‘GOOD ON YA GAL, welcome to the club!’ And if that isn't enough incentive to get you to read her work then I suggest you re-evaluate your life principles.  

Unlikeable Female Characters, Anna Bogutskaya 

Besides a secret hand buzzer from Blackpool Pleasure Beach, this is one of the best Christmas presents I've received. If you're a big film fan as well as a feminist, this book will become your Bible. It's funny, easy-reading and highlights the classic tropes that female characters have been shoved into by Hollywood over the years.  

‘Unlikeable Female Characters’ looks into the evolution of highly memorable female characters, from Bunny Boiler Alex in Fatal Attraction and mega bitch Regina George in Mean Girls to walking mess Fleabag in Fleabag. It examines what makes them popular, how audiences have reacted to them, and the ways in which pop culture is finally allowing us to celebrate the complexities of being a woman. It's also great if you're looking for early Hop-tu-Naa costume ideas of badass women this year. 

Feminists Don't Wear Pink and Other Lies 

I made my boyfriend read this when we first started going out. Not only did he read it on the bus on the way to and from work, he enjoyed it, which was when I knew he was a keeper.  

‘Feminists Don't Wear Pink and Other Lies’ is another book that's made up of a collection of articles, making it a swift and easy read. Each is written by a different woman, some known, some not known, from Hollywood actresses to teenage activists, all of whom tell the story of their personal relationship with feminism. And it's got a pretty cover that looks like a Drumstick sweet. 

Period Power, Nadya Okamoto  

This book taught me things about my body that I had no idea about. Cause for concern? Probably.  

‘Period Power’ elaborates on what menstruation is, sheds light on the stigmas surrounding it, and emboldens the reader to join the movement in ending the silence and prompt conversations about periods. 

So, there you have it. If you whiz through all those then report back, I've loads more to recommend. First though, grab yourself a brew, put on some chilled atmospheric background music (my go-to is ‘Hufflepuff Common Room Ambience’ on YouTube), curl up with one of these good books and let your mind be expanded by the wonderful world of women.