The Department of Infrastructure is deploying gritters to the island's roads tonight with wintry weather expected yet again.

This new amber alert for ice and snow kicks-in at 9pm tonight and expires at 3pm tomorrow (Wednesday).

According to the Met Office, temperatures will plummet below zero across higher ground from 9pm tonight as a cold front clears the island, bringing 'very cold air' in its wake.

However the gritters won't be deployed until the rain stops, which is anticipated to be around 9pm, coinciding with temperatures dropping below zero.

A statement from the DoI said: 'The roads won't be gritted until the rain has stopped as otherwise the salt will simply dissolve in the rain and run off the roads and be rendered ineffective.

'Our duty officer will monitor the weather and adjust the start time of gritting until after the rain has stopped and run off reduced.'

The routes that will be gritted are:

  • Northern routes : 2 (Glen Duff Depot, Creg Ny Baa, Glen Duff Depot), 8 (Peel and the north) and 11 (Andreas and the north) and will also include the Beinn Y Phott and Tholt Y Will Roads and the Creg Ny Baa Back Road)
  • Southern routes : 5 (Ellerslie Depot, Richmond Hill, Ronaldsway Airport and Port Erin), and 6 (Ellerslie Depot, Peel, Dalby and the south) as well as The Roundtable and Shoulder Road.
  • Central routes : 9 (Onchan and Noble's Hospital/Braddan) and 10 (Upper Douglas, Pulrose, Lower Douglas and the Business Park) including Braddan Bridge diversion route.
  • Additional routes include the Douglas/Onchan area that are on bus routes

The statement from the DoI added: 'We have had a number of requests over the past couple of days to pre-salt individual estate and residential roads.

'The Department deliberately focuses its available resources on the principal roads that are most heavily trafficked and that link centres of population.

'This is a time consuming task and there are simply not the resources to salt all roads in a few hours.

'There is also a network of about 1100 salt bins around the Island. The salt at these locations is available for use by the public to help alleviate issues in the immediate vicinity of a particular bin.'