The Captain of the Parish of Braddan has confirmed a requisition meeting will take place next month.

It comes after residents contacted the Captain, Thomas Philip Caley, regarding concerns of the recently announced rates increase, The Roundhouse and the future funding of the new community hub. A requisition meeting can be called by Parish Captains upon receiving a letter from 12 signatories.

The 12 Braddan residents were: R. MacNee, B. Lee, T. Leahy, J. Bateson, S. Rowe, S. Bateson, S. Leahy, P. Gough, B. Leahy, J. Venables, T. Fuller and R. Hotchkiss.

The meeting will give Braddan residents an opportunity to question the local authority about its finances.

The date has now been set, with a requisition meeting to hear the response from the Board of Commissioners to take place at 7pm on Monday, March 11 2024 at The Roundhouse.

It comes after Braddan Parish Commissioners announced a significant 36.6% rise in its rates for the 2024/25 budget.

The rates for 2023/24 were set at 257p in the pound, but for 2024/25 it has risen to 351p.

A significant reason for the alarming increase is due to the Commissioners new leisure centre, which is £3.4 million over budget and was originally meant to be open and completed in August 2023, with it only supposed to cost £6 million.

And a public spat is ongoing regarding access to the site, with the Department of Health and Social Care demanding that Braddan Parish Commissioners have to build a separate road to ensure traffic to Noble's Hospital isn't impacted by the new multi-purpose facility.

Braddan Parish Commissioners has pointed the finger at central government departments for the increase in costs to the organisation, stating that these actions they have no control over.

Braddan Parish Commissioners has told Isle of Man Today that if issues with the access to the site has not been resolved with the DHSC and Manx Care before the meeting, and the road to The Roundhouse is blocked, parking will be available for residents at Palatine Health Centre.